Welcome to Norway
Home of CUVGET CLEAN SCIENTIFICS - the clean cosmeceutical movement
CUVGET CLEAN SCIENTIFICS is a 21st century initiative designed to address the moral, ethical and sustainability issues surrounding our everyday cosmeceuticals.
This post-organic movement combines sustainably sourced organic materials and ethical scientific practices with to extract previously unattainable compounds from nature.
All our formulations vigorously follow a strict criteria to ensure they comply with not only international FDA/EU regulations, but our own efficacy demands, ethical compliance and environmental sustainability standards.
All CLEAN SCIENTIFICS products are individually created from scratch and aren’t “off the shelf” formulas. This approach is laborious and time consuming but it’s the way we do it. We must feel absolutely sure we have researched, tested and certified every ingredient, its source and all eventualities before anyone applies our products to their skin.
The methods isn’t time consuming, it’s frustratingly slow… not to mention expensive. There are other far more economical methods for creating cosmeceuticals , but that’s not the way we do it.
It may sound crazy way of running a brand, but it’s how we do things in Norway.
Clean Scientifics
Ethical and sustainable science practices. Just like nature intended.

made by Norway
Sustainably sourced
Arctic Chaga is a medicinal mushroom that grows on birch trees above the artic circle.
Here’s how we source ours.
Up-cycling isn’t new, It’s been used by indigenous people for millennia.
The arctic Chaga mushroom has been used by the indigenous people of the Nordic region for centuries. Its medicinal properties are world renown and the we use it as key ingredient to help repair skin damage and pigmentation. Our Chaga is sourced from meticulously maintained organic birch tree forests in the north of Finland, and done sustainably. Here’s how.
The Finish lumber market is one of the countries largest export resources. The quality of the wood is a testament to the quality of the trees and the natural low toxin soil. Left to grow naturally until maturity these tree are harvested and sent to the timber yards for processing. Before the bark is removed, we’re allowed access to source the Chaga mushrooms which would have been discarded when the bark was stripped away.
Utilising every part of what man takes from nature is so indicative of First Nation thinking and something that we have embraced 100%.

Let’s get with the program
“NOW MORE THAN EVER, it’s time to engage and ensure the next generation of cosmeceuticals not only care for us, but care for the our planet”
Pranali Jadhav. Science Officer, CUVGET
Post Organic
It’s what you do when the organic movement runs out of options
The CLEAN SCIENTIFICS project has analysed literally thousands of different extracts to find the ones that show remarkable properties. This is a time consuming practice. For every 1000 we analyse, only 10 could show promise and then, only one might be usable. Unfortunately, there have been times when we’ve had to discarded that special one because of sustainability concerns. The Lingonberry leaf extract is a typical example.
Studies had shown that this extract demonstrated high levels of antioxident. However, we needed 1kg of plant leaf to produce 100g of extract. The volume required to bring this to market would make a substantial environmental impact so we decide to drop the project. It wasn’t until we teamed with scientists capable of isolating and cultivating the Lingonberry stem cells and then able to cultivate them in volume that we included it in our formulations. The irony is, the cultivated cells where more pure then the original versions.
What people don’t appreciate is that organic extracts also contain protective toxins! Using science to ethically isolate and cultivate only certain parts produces a better, more pure and less invasive ingredient. It’s actually a more advanced version of the original, even though it’s a direct organic copy- of the organic original. This is what we call post-organic thinking. Extracting and multiplying the best parts that would normally be unavailable in its natural form.
It’s exactly what nature would do naturally, if it had been given the brief.

Do what our parents didn’t
Ethical transparent practices.
Yes, and here’s why.
Preservatives dramatically increase product stability by reducing the chances of biological growth.
Cosmosuetical are mainly kept on bathroom shelves: This hot and moist environment is ideal for bacterial growth and that is something you definitely don’t want, specially in your skin care products.
Secondly, preservatives dramatically improve efficacy. Why? Because any organically derived ingredient demonstrates 100% efficacy when it’s freshly harvested. From that moment onwards efficacy starts to dramatically reduce over time depending how long it’s stood in the shop. Once in the bathroom efficacy can easily be lower the 50% long before you’ve finished the product. This brings into question: is purely organic completely ethical when they cant totally garentee that the ingredients are preserved effectively to deliver 100% what it says on the box?
There are ways around that of course, Having the outer packaging wrapped in transparent foils, using pump bottles with an inner bladder for example, but that adds cost, more materials, more single use plastic and more wastage which can all be eliminated with the addition of a simple, non invasive and harmless preservative. It’s a trade-off between the efficacy of our products and the environment. We’ve chosen to stay with a preservative and the environment.
There are ways around that of course, many people used pump bottles with an inner bladder for example, but that adds cost, more materials, plastic and more wastage but that can be eliminated with the addition on a simple, non invasive and harmless preservative.
Never. Our research into spermine is a typical example.
Our initial research was very promising and we had developed a strong hypothesis on how it affects the skin. Once we tested it in the laboratory combined together with all the other ingredients and extracts on different cell lines we found that the original concentration of spermine was too low in order to give a good effect. After increasing the concentration we documented a significant positive effect on on the keratinocytes skin cells. However, we also saw it had some negative side effects, including a toxic effect, on the human fibroblasts which are producing collagen. The moment we discovered this, we dropped the research.
Many people use it. Once we saw the science, we couldn’t consider it.
Yes, under certain, strict conditions and in very low amounts.
Retinols are amazing ingredient, they’re highly effective and super efficient. They even out the skin imminently giving you an instant benefit. Thats why you see many heavily retinal based products in the market.
Unfortunately on a long-term basis, the active compound that makes this happen starts becoming addictive and with repeatedly use, will ultimately damage the skin. So instead of reducing the signs of ageing, it actually increases it and thus the demand for more.
We don’t follow that practice.
Instead we only use a very small amount that’s combined with natural extracts and compounds that balance out any harmful side effects.
It’s way more complex for us, but better for you
Yes, right now are products are manufactured in California. We supply the raw arctic extracts and they complete the formulas and package the products. Seeing our largest market is in the US Clinics it make a great deal of sense doing this. But it isn’t just that.
California State laws governing the production of these type of products are extremely ridged and far more strict than the EU equivalents. Apart form the ethical, production sciences, hygiene and safety, companies must comply with a series of mandatory ESG & DEI regulations governing everything from Co2 emissions and energy use to social inclusion and equality.
We are currently looking for the equivalence European manufacturing facilities and will soon be producing for the Europen market in Europe.